Sustainable & healthy
We will offer convenience with a good conscience
Our products will be friendly to the environment and the climate, be produced under good working conditions for everyone in our supply chain, and they will support a healthy lifestyle for our customers.

Our Promises – Sustainable and healthy:
By 2030, all our products and services are grown and produced in a way that protects important ecosystems. We shall ensure good working conditions throughout our supply chains, and will actively engage to continuously improve workers’ rights.
By 2030 we have halved our green house gas emissions* both from our own operations, and from our value chains, to make sure we are well on our way towards a entirely climate neutral business.
By 2030, we have transformed our business to circular flows with the goal of reaching zero waste.
We will develop our product range and offering within food and beverage to better support health and wellbeing among our customers.
* Compared to base year 2019.